
I made some mustard.

So a few weeks ago I posted about Monastery Mustard and how awesome the Sisters at St. Angel are. I guess this kind of planted the seed (no pun intended) and I finally made mustard this weekend. It was pretty great.

Now I don't even really like mustard, but making it was awesome. It totally fried my food processor but it was so worth it. I highly recommend that everyone try making it at least once. Or, if you don't like mustard, think of something you normally buy, that you'd never think of making, and make it yourself. It's strangely empowering and it feels good to take back some of the dependence we have on others. Plus it probably tastes better.

I don't know what to do next, I'm thinking about marmalade, lemon curd, pickled ginger, hot sauce and brining my own olives. If you've got any ideas for random fun projects that are kind of sciency and fun which result in me being able to give things to nice people, then let me know!!!!

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