
Fork Splitting

So i was reading about English Muffins (more specifically fork splitting the English Muffin and the effect it has on the muffin as opposed to splitting it with a knife [there is a whole back-and-forth conversation here that was interesting for like 30 seconds but then got boring as all hell) and I was going to post a picture of a fork, but when I googled Fork I found this:

What the fuck.

Anyway, apparently splitting things with forks creates nooks and crannies. This is kind of awesome. So to see if I could create nooks and crannies on other things, I began to experiment (mind you everything I'm sharing has happened within the last 15 minutes and is unscientific at best). I tried to make nooks and crannies on a block of jalapeno white cheddar cheese. This did not work. Then I tried to make nooks and crannies on a cookie. This also did not work. Finally, I tried to make nooks and crannies on some wonder bread. And guess what happened? It didn't work.

The end result is that I've got a fucked up block of cheese, a bunch of cookie crumbs, some ratty looking white bread, and no nooks and crannies.

Such a typical Monday. Ugh.

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