
And on the 8th Day, God created Awesome.

So I've been throwing around the idea of a blog for a while. See, I'm a bit forgetful, and kind of a scatterbrain, so this will be a good way of keeping track of some of the random stuff I come across on a daily basis, in addition to highlighting the work of the good and kind people I cross paths with. Plus, I've kind of been using Facebook as a place to collect my thoughts (I actually post my grocery lists to my "About Me" section sometimes [it's handy!]) so now I won't annoy people as much with spontaneous thoughts about dinosaurs, lasers, space travel, or any combination of the former.

I'm approaching this as a long list of things that I like, that maybe (hopefully) you'll like, so I can look back 10 years from now when I'm taking a sick day from work (if I've still got it) and kill 5 or 6 hours looking at cool stuff while in my jammy-jams (palm trees in summer, robots in fall and spring, reindeer when it's snowing). If you know about something cool, let me know, because I think that we should all enjoy cool things together. Maybe you can learn something from me, and I can learn something from you, and then we can high five each other and all will be swell.

I'm 27, I work in photography, I live in Boston, and I get to be around some pretty terrific people every day. The world is an amazing place, it totally boggles the mind how much cool shit is going on, and life is so, so good.

Let's do this.

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